Revolutionary method of treatment. Sustained recovery of
vascular walls without drugs
Atherosclerosis is a disorder of lipid metabolism with subsequent impact on vascular walls.
Damage is not only on small and large arteries, but on smaller in which we can talk about universal violation of
blood supply. The walls of the arteries thickening of deposition of fatty plaques and narrowing of the
lumen of the artery, leading to reduced blood flow. Atherosclerosis is the most widespread disease not only of
the last century, but it will remain in the current pandemic. Yet traditional medicine could not clarify the reasons
for this disease of the vessels and the treatment is symptomatic and actual causes remain. The factors that are key
contributors to this disease are firstly experienced strong stress - 40%. Still no scientific grounded theory exactly how stress affects
and what is purely physical. Our view on this question is entirely related to the method of
treatment - Pulse therapy.
Other adverse factors of importance are more frequent use of microwaves in the last time. Did not harmless
are mobile phones
especially if used in a long time. A stronger impact have antennas for cellular phones that are installed on roofs of
residential and administrative buildings. There are many credible studies on the dangers of using these high-frequency
devices. The reasons for the development of arteriosclerosis are complex because the impact of the major risk factors have
cumulatively effect. Endogenous and exogenous factors that are citing are actually of a much smaller contribution.
Only 25% of the lipid plaques that are deposited related to the consumption of fat animal origin. This is evidenced by
statistics - why man which although is a longtime vegetarian gets a heart attack or stroke. And opposite person with normal
lipid metabolism despite the amount of meat consumption have normal lipid profile. The greater the cholesterol content in
the blood, the greater the thickening of arterial walls. Physiologically men have narrowed arteries of the hearth, and women
closer brain vessels.
Therefore the incidence of
heart attacks in men is
greater, while women
are more frequent
strokes. For the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases contribute as sugar diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver
and the like. One of the first symptoms are dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, impaired memory, tinnitus, ischemia of the
heart accompanied by pain behind the breastbone, rhythm disorders and others. Further development of aortic atherosclerosis
leads to almost 100% occlusion and subsequent heart attack. Sometimes changes in vascular arterial wall is linked with formation of
aneurysms, such a rupture is obtained hemorrhage. Once started the process of atherosclerosis can be slowed with drugs that
lower cholesterol levels in the blood and improve blood circulation. It's recomended avoiding the consumption of animal fat and
severely restrict the amount of salt in food. This treatment is conservative and has a short and a temporary effect.
Effective prevention does not exist according to conservative Medicine. In fact, already implemented a very efficient
method of turning process arteriosclerosis and restore normal lipid metabolism without imposing drastic limitations.
It is very surprising how in the contemporary development of medicine
no one does make connection between thyroid
function and atherosclerosis. As evidence can again serve statistics. People
with overactive thyroid are lipid profile under reference values. Until recently
arrhythmia is also not associated with the thyroid gland. May it says that this
is the most underrated body but each organ and system in the human body - heart, nerve, bone, immune, endocrine
depends on it's work . With
restoring the normal function of the thyroid gland starts reverse process - clearance of vessels, reducing blood cholesterol,
normal blood flow to other organs. Many patients with lower metabolism starts also changes in blood pressure
with tends to rise
systolic, diastolic or both of the limits. The reason is that the reduced metabolism of vascular walls leads to their calcification
(hardening) or degenerative changes leading to the formation of aneurysms, which are exclusively dangerous. If there is a
rupture of such a vessel as a result of some aneurysm in the field of brain that can be
fatal. Deteriorating elasticity of the vascular walls causes increased
peripheral vascular resistance independently of normal function of the system -
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. With the application of the Pulse therapy
it improves the elasticity of the vascular walls, as well as the function of the
adrenal glands. Blood pressure restores to normal (120/80) regardless of age.
Recovered signals controlling others endocrine glands, which help improve the
work of other organs - Kidneys, liver, pancreas. It strengthens the immune system of the
organism with which reduces the risk of malignancies.
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