How it can be
prevent and reverse this process
Stroke occurs when blood flow to a region of the
brain is obstructed, causing brain tissue death. Ischemic stroke is usually caused by
a blood clot in an artery that supplies the brain
with blood. When we talk about the reasons for the brain attack deeply wrong
is considered that limitation from some foods can be used as a
preventive measure. The main reason for the accumulation of cholesterol
plaques on the inner walls of the blood vessels is disturbed metabolism which on its
turn depends on the thyroid hormones. The normal function of the thyroid gland is of crucial significance for avoiding the
curse of the 20th century - the atherosclerosis. Actually the best solution is prevention anticipating
the stroke before it occurs. Brain attack is more unfavourable than
heart attack because in most of the cases it occurs at night. That is why applying
some tissue plasminogen activators gives no
effect 3 hours after the event because of the unreversible necrosis
of the brain tissue. This medications have also some limitations to be applyed.
In heavy cases of atherosclerosis the most adequate treatment is
combining the two methods - Impulse and Chelation therapy, because the results from the Impulse
therapy are going to appear in 6 months.
continued technological success in pharmacology, biomedical engineering and computer science research not
only will enhance the lives of patients with cardiovascular diseases, but will also stop
its development far before it occurs.
The Impulse method of treatment is a prove, which shows how such heavy diseases can be defeated.
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