Treatment through impulse therapy
It is the first time biomedical investigations have
proven the possibility that human hormones are able to
cure cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.
Scientists from Bulgaria found out the reasons for the
development of a number of cardiovascular and
endocrine diseases, which by now is not known in the
medical science. This happens thanks to discovering
a method for healing the thyroid gland. It turns out
that the main reason for development of pathology of
different organs and systems in the human organism is
a damage to the function of the thyroid gland. This
damage leads to disturbed synthesis of thyroid
hormones. As every cell and tissue in the human
organism needs definite quantity hormones of the
thyroid gland their reduced generation leads to a
disturbance of metabolized processes in it. Further
this leads to appearing of different affections.
The method itself proves the leading role of the
thyroid gland for the development of the most serious
diseases cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine and
blood diseases. The reason for their development is
one and the same the lack of thyroid hormones. From
the cardiovascular diseases that is:
ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarct,
myocardiosclerosis as well as of different rhythm and
conductive disturbances. The concrete mechanism
for them is explained through the fact that the
hormone treeiodinetyronin synthesized by the thyroid
gland maintain definite diameter of the blood
vessels and definite speed of the blood. That is
especially important for coronary and brain vessels as
the deficient quantity of treeiodinetyronin
leads to development of arteriosclerosical alterations
in it and to their narrowing and occlusion.
Because of the aggravating blood supply of the
myocardium, rhythm and conductive disturbances appear.