Q: Is there any complications or side effects applying Impulse therapy?
A: This
treatment is absolutely harmless without any side effects! It can be applied to everyone nevermind of the age.
Q: What is the difference between Impulse therapy
and other noninvasive therapies like Chelation one?
A: Impulse therapy is
hormonal treatment which means that the main reason for atherosclerosis is
removed. Chelation therapy has temporary effect and you have to do it
periodically because it is not enough to clean blood vesels. The
resilience of blood vessels is due to thyroid hormones as well as the
speed of the blood current. The Impulse therapy applies only once, but the
effect is eternal. If you compare the diseases cured by two therapies you
will find out that Impulse therapy completely cure the disease, while
other noninvasive therapies only improve the status.
Q: What is the connection between high blood pressure and hormonal balance?
A: The mechanizm is very complex. The thyroid hormones regulate trough the vegetative nervous system
the lumen of the blood vessels. Parallel to this, brain centers in the hypothalamus get affected.
They regulate the blood pressure.
Does it mean that after the Impulse therapy it leads to cessation taking in the medicaments?
A: Not right away, but gradually. For different patients the period of time is different
depending on the symptoms of the disease.
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