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Scientists revealed how the brain signals can be damaged after experienced stress | ||||||
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January 7, 2004
Collaboration between electronic engeneer and
medical doctor yield a good results when should
be find out solution to one of the most heavy problems in the medicine. A
man can be represented as a very complex electronic scheme in which bioelectrical signals
are moving from the brain to all organs and even
to cells using so called negative feedback. Knowing the theory of the signals let
us understand the information which they bring to the main prossesor -
brain, as well as the posssible modulation of this information. What
actually happen after some stress is experianced. Many of the
consequencies are well known, but the medical science does not yield strong
logic theory of this process. Everything starts with change of the
electrolytic balance in the head. Reduction of magnesium ions in the cortex
leads to creation of strong electrostatic field. This brain
center controlsthe hypotalamus
-> the hypophisis -> thyroid glandis influenced by this electrostatic field
modulating the signals passing in this area. That is
why the possible status of the thyroid gland are three - hyperfunction, hypofunction
and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which responds to the change
of the three paramethers of the signal - amplitude, phase or frequency.
But why the magnesium ions are so important to avoid this situation.
The answer is found again in the electronic. The elements in the
group of magnesium are used in the electronic as a shield for
electrostatic fields. When they are in enough quantity such
electrostatic field is not created.
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