The mechanism by which the primary hypertonia
develops is the following: due to stress factors the impulses generated by the
vasomotor centers (cortex, diencephalons,
medullaHouses Appartments
to the vegetative systema nervosum – VSN, are with changed parameters
(amplitude, frequency or phase). That disturbs the equilibrium between the two
parts of VSN –
simpaticus and
parasimpaticus and as a result
the action of the simpatic part
starts to predominate. The simpatic
activity accelerates, and hence the stimulation of the alpha and Beta receptors
in the cardiac muscle is increased. That increases the
beat volume and cardiac frequency, which leads to an increase of the peripheral
vascular resistance. At a later stage
the increase of the peripheral vascular
resistance leads to changes in the
permeability of the vascular wall, and thus C++ ions get into it
(intracellular). Na++ ions accumulate extracellular. The vascular wall thickens
and tumefactions may appear. The
permeability of the vascular wall may not change. In some cases the permeability
changes and in others it doesn’t. At a later stage of the hypertonia’s
development another mechanism takes place. The balance between some substances
and ferments
and depressed effect gets disturbed in it. The
quantity of ferments
substances with
effect increases on account of others that depress their activity. This changes
the sensibility of the arterial vessels and thus
effect is exercised on these substances. This actually is about the
aldosteron system.
Angiotensin-2 is a substance that has big
vasoconstrictive effect, and the
aldosteron is a hormone that takes part in the mineral
metabolism. The increase of the
aldosteron leads to an accumulation of NaCl in the
blood vessels’ wall, and thus it gets thickened and the lumen of the vessels
narrows. Besides aldosteron
the catecholamines (adrenal hormones) also take part in the system. The
neutral lipids and the prostaglandins
have depressed (vasodilator)
effect. The latter reduce the sensibility of the vascular wall. The
prostaglandins are antagonists of
angiotensin-2 – substances with
vasoconstrictive effect. The prostaglandins influence the intrarenal
haemodynamics (the renal blood flow).
The hypertonia may develop as a result of the impact of one, two or three
factors. The first factor is a disturbance of the vegetative vascular
innervation. The second factor
is the calcium invasion in the vascular wall and the third factor is
nerve-hormonal reasons. The deficit of b-receptors in the vascular walls is of
great significance for the development of the primary hypertonia. They give
information on their state in the vasomotor centers of the cerebrum. The deficit
of b-receptors means lack of information in CNS. This confuses the
synchronization of the signals that control the blood pressure and hence CNS no
longer controls the systems that control the blood pressure. As a result the
balance between the biologically active components in the organism and the
antagonism (the balance) between the
simpaticus and the
parasimpaticus is disturbed. With the method “Impulse therapy” the
antagonism between the two parts of the VNS recovers, and thus the
simpaticus activity gets
neutralized. This normalizes the beat volume and the cardiac frequency, and hence the increased peripheral
vascular resistance normalizes. Strengthening of the vascular walls is achieved, with
improvement of the metabolism, which recovers the changed
permeability. As far as the nerve-hormonal mechanism is concerned an effect is achieved through influencing the
hypophysis and the hypothalamus. The level of the
is regulated, which normalizes the mineral metabolism. On the other hand the
production of substances and ferments with depressed (vasodilator) effect is
stimulated, so the balance between the substances with vasoconstrictive and
vasodilator effect is recovered. With the Impulse therapy the synthesis of
receptors in the blood vessels is stimulated. The time needed for recovery of
the normal blood pressure for the lighter stages of hypertonia is between 6 and
8 months, and for the ones that are more serious - about 12 months. Meantime the
quantity of b-receptors increases. After this period the medicines for
hypertonia stop being taken.
The hypertension is one
of the most frequantly met disease. There are a lot of theories for the reasons
for its arising. Neither of them has succeeded to explain and prove the concrete
mechanism for these disease. For that reason its medication is symptomatic and
medicaments for hypertension are taken constantly till the end of life.
Sensationaly but this disiese can be completely cured. The
causes of high blood pressure is due to hypofunction of the thyroid gland.
This revolutionary conclusion is proved by the method applied for healing the
thyroid gland. Normalizing the synthesis of necessery thyroid hormons for the
organizm the values of RR also get normalized. This normalization is possible
when the brain center recover the full control over the thyroid gland. With the
method developed by the bulgarian specialists the hypertension normalise within
6 months. Patients are stoping to take any medicaments. Long-lived of the
disease as well as the values of the RR has no significance. The attendant
hypertonic palpitation also disapear. This method is tested more then 20 years
and can be cured patiens only with essential hypertention. If the patien has
kidney problems the terrapy can not help. High blood presure is the first
forerunner of heart attacks and brain insults. Low RR is equaly dangerous as
well as the high one. Fortunately allready there is a solution to this medical
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