Impulse Therapy |
Thyroid gland and its significance for the human's life |
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Treatment through the most successful method ever found The thyroid gland plays a key role in metabolism. Hormones synthesized by it are used by all organs and tissues. That's why when normal functions of this gland is in breach occurs as the pathology in the thyroid gland and other organs and systems. These pathological changes are expressed differently depending on the cause and the Statute of limitations. Often affecting the cardiovascular, nervous, bone structure, bloodsynthesized and immune system. Very characteristic is that in spite of the disease of the thyroid gland there are periods of remission that is not patient complaint. These periods are different long, sometimes 10 or more years. This often masks the changes occurring in the body and therefore mislead the specialists. In addition, account shall be taken, and the imprecision of hormonal studies, reaching up to 70%. This further complicates diagnosis. Moreover, it overlooked many characteristic symptoms occurring in breach of its function. The statuses geting into the thyroid gland are overactive, but much more common hypofunction i.e. increased production of thyroid hormones or reduced. There are some common, but many different symptoms. The most commonly seen in hyperfuncion are rapid heartbeat, profuse sweats, a sharp weakening of the weight by more than 4-5 kg, eye changes, the fragility of the nails and hair loss, increased nervousness, irritability, disturbed sleep, churning out wailing, tremor of the hands, frequent bowel movements, constantly feeling the heat, the rush of energy and then quickly fatigue. In the most common symptoms are: hypofunction easy tiredness, weight gain with more than 5 kg, Vertigo, dizziness, headaches, lurch, difficulty swallowing, ringing in the ears, choking, tightness in the area of the gland, slowed heartbeat, rapid or slow pulse, pain in joints and muscles, numbness and tingling in extremities, loss of memory, nervousness, irritability, morning puffiness, disturbed sleep. Enough is to have one or two of these symptoms to understand that thyroid gland does not function normally. In support of the diagnosis most value has a clinic (the symptoms) and ehografskoto study. Other studies, such as hormonal test, thyroid scintigraphy, the biopsy are inaccurate as the last damage further the gland. Diseases in this gland are: Struma Diffusa (enlarged thyroid gland), Struma nodoza (nodes and cysts of the gland), overactive and hyperthyroidism, autoimmune Hashimoto's Thyroiditis è and Hashimoto acute form. The reasons for damaging the thyroid gland are different, but the most common is the stress-in 65% of cases, as well as various chemical, toxic and radioactive substances, and also high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The changes in hypofunction are gradual for years, while those with overactive are short in the space of one year. The accepted treatment of the Endocrinology all over the world is irrelevant, and in a large number of cases, even dangerous because they put the gland in hypofunction permanently. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis autoimmune exept from stress may be provoked with thyreostatical treatment (medication for overactive thyroid) or corticosteroids. In this disease the thyroid gland is a foreign body and brain include all safeguards for its destruction. It does so by lymphocytes and antibodies, which become autoantibodies. When Hashimoto's thyroid is permanently in hypofunction, which continuouslly deepens. Another cause of autoimmune thyroiditis may be applied surgical treatment due to changes of thyroid electrical capacity, respectively the distinguishing signal which is formed and sent to the brain. Operative treatment turn the patient into cripple, supporting his life with synthetic hormones. These hormones have many side effects such as weight gain up to 20 kg and more. It can lead to the development of hypertension, osteoporosis, heart attack and is difficult to bare. Treatment with radioactive iodine has a temporary effect and then relegated the gland in hypofunction permanently. Treatment with corticosteroids in acute Hashimoto and treatment with thyrostatics in Bazed and overactive can be applied very carefully limited time and no more than 6 months. This treatment can cause the appearance of nodules and cysts within it, and a long-term intake of corticosteroids can cause diabetes. Revealing the mechanism by which develops in the thyroid gland pathology our team succeed to test and implement a method named ' Impulse therapy ', which normalizes the function of the gland. Clears the nodes and cysts within it, as well as the normal size of the gland, which in most cases have increased. When Hashimoto is stopped the process of destruction of the gland by lymphocytes and thyroid antibodies and gradually recovers its normal functions. With the therapy activating important centers in the cortex and hypothalamus, associated with the management of the thyroid gland that is restoring normal biosignals with which brain manage that organ. The transition period to restore normal function of the gland is 6 months, and between 6 and 18 months, it is necessary to begin the removal of pathology resulting from her disturbed function. The dimensions are normalized, and entities are starting to gradually decrease and disappear. The later were formed noduls so more rapidly they resorb. The method proves the exclusive role of brain-he created the pathology and he removed it. For this it is enough to obtain reliable information in the form of a bioelectric signals requiring synchronization. The real reason for the diseases listed in this site is evidenced by the excellent results in the application of the therapy, but because of the ignorance of the mechanism of thyroid disease, traditionally accepted treatments in medicine is irrelevant and in most case with dangerous consequences.
I. Risks of thyroid operations
II. Adverse actions of alternative hormones, which are accepted after thyroid operations (L-thyroxin, L-thyrox).
1. Synthetic replacement hormones affect the liver and kidneys. |
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